






) .

6. Gross domestic product can be measured as the sum of:

a) consumption, investment, government, purchases, and net exports;

b) consumption, transfer payments, wages, and profits;

c) investment, wages, profits, and intermediate production;

d) final goods and services, intermediate goods, transfer payments, and rent.

1. 200 . 280 . г 25 %. .

2. ( ):

........................................................ 50

............................................................................................ 6

....................................................... 20

................................................................................................................ 3

..................................................... 10

³ ................................................. 16

........................................................................................................... 8

.......................................................................... 4

........................................................................................ 42

..................................................................................... 6

............................................................. 12

............................................................................................ 3

, .................. 2

) .

) , .

) (1) (2) , .

3. Given the following national income accounting data, compute:

a) GDP; b) NDP and c) NI. All figures are in billions.

Compensation of employees......................................................................... 194.2

US exports of goods and services................................................................ 17.8

Consumption of fixed capital......................................................................... 11.8

Government purchases................................................................................... 59.4

Indirect business taxes................................................................................... 52.1

Net private domestic investment.................................................................... 52.1

Transfer payments.......................................................................................... 13.9

US imports of goods and services................................................................ 13.9

Personal taxes.................................................................................................. 40.5

Net foreign factor income, earned in the US............................................. 42

Personal consumption expenditures........................................................... 219.1


Ͳ ̲Ͳ

1. :

) . г ;

) . ;

) .

2. :

) ();

) ;

) .

. :

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) . ;

) - .


1. : . ϳ. . 1 / . . . . - .: , 2009. - . 315 - 329; 497 - 508.

2. . . . - .: , 2005. - . 62 - 69; 253 - 263; 493


3. . ., . ., . . / . . . . - .: , 2008. - C. 90 - 96.

4. . . : . - .: , 2002. - . 16 - 27.



- balance on current account

- balance on goods and services

- cost of living

- baskets cost - indirect taxes


- measurement of inflation

- efficiency wage - per capita output

- capital and

- current account deficit - deflating - GDP-deflator - economic importance - economic well-being - merchandize export - export transactions - general price level - earned income - discouraged workers - import transaction - Laspeyres index - Paasche index financial account

- unemployment rate - inflation rate - labor force - market basket - price level stability - statistical discrepancy

- structural unemployment

- social welfare - underground economy ( ) - merchandize - frictional unemployment

- cyclical unemployment - part-time employed - net benefit - net foreign factor income

- black market



1. ?

2. ?

3. ?

4. ?

5. ?

6. ?

7. ?

8. ?

9. ?

10. ?

11. ?

12. ?

13. How is the unemployment rate measured in Ukraine?

14. Why do economists find it necessary to inflate and deflate GDP when comparing GDP in different years? How do they do this?

15. What is an international balance of payments? What are the principal sections in a nations international balance of payments and what are the principal balances to be found in it?

  1. - 1. , , , , .  
  2. 2. ³ , .  
  3. 3. г , .  
  4. 4. , .  
  5. 5. , .  
  6. 6. , .  
  7. 7. , , , .  
  8. 8. -, , .  
  9. 9. г .  
  10. 10. ̳ , - .  
  11. 11. , .  
  12. 12. ³ .  
  13. 13. ϳ , , .  
  14. 14. 쒿.  
  15. 15. .  
  16. , 16. ϳ , .  
  17. 17. , 䳺 .  
  18. 18. ³ .  
  19. 19. ̳ , .  
  20. 20. , , .  


1. :

) , ;

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) , .;

) .

2. , ( ):

) ;

) , ;

) , ;

) ;

) .

3. :

) ;

) ;

) ;

) ;

) .

4. - , :

) ;

) ;

) ;

) ;

) .

5. An Ukrainian balance of deficit may be financed by:

a) borrowing abroad;

b) selling real assets to foreigners;

c) selling financial assets to foreigners;

d) doing any of the above.

6. Use the following data to calculate ) the size of the labor force and b) the official unemployment rate. Total population - 2000; population under 16 years of age and institutionalized, - 500; not in labor farce, - 600; unemployed - 100; part-time workers looking for full-time jobs - 50.

1. - , . ( ) . 2000 , :

) ;

) .

>\^ , ,
  500 000   400 000
  6 000   8 000
  15 000   18 000


2. 50 . 12 - 16 , , . 14 , 3 - 0,5 , . .


̲ . Ͳ ֲ

1. :

) ;

) ;

) ;

) . . 䳿 ;

) .

2. :

) ;

) , ;

) ;

) .

3. :

) . ;

) . AD;

) . (AS);

) . .

1. : . ϳ. . 1 / . . . . - .: , 2009 - . 69 - 76; 389 - 391; 407 - 418; 466 - 468; 499 - 510; 517 - 525.

2. . . . - .: , 2005. - . 141 - 149; 156 - 158; 165 - 177; 221 - 224; 253 - 264; 272 - 279.

3. . ., . ., . . / . . . . - .: , 2008. - . 109 - 140; 464 - 492.

4. . . : . - .: , 2002. - . 50 - 59; 82 - 92.

- underemployment - new global compact - overpopulation - debt relief - annual rate of population increase - undeveloped countries - sociocultural and institutional factors - economic growth rate - determinants of aggregate demand - determinants of aggregate supply - - deficient (insufficient)aggregate demand - aggregate supply - aggregate demand - demand shock - favorable supply shock

- main sources of growth

1000 - infant mortality per 1000 live births

- economic growth

- economies of scale

- per capita energy consumption - pollution - - technological advance - newly industrialized countries - externalities 70 - rule of 70 - adult illiteracy rate - industrial policy economic growth rate - supply factors - Asian tigers - brain drain - capital flight - demographic explosion

- demographic transition

- outward orientation

- vicious cycle of poverty

- import substitution - birthrate - death (mortality) rate

- less developed countries

1. ?

2. ?

3. ?

4. ?

5. ?

6. ?

7. ?

8. ?

9. ?

10. ?

11. ?

12. ?

13. What are basic ingredients of economic growth?

14. How does an increase or decrease in per unit production costs change aggregate supply?

15. What roles do the expectations of consumers and businesses play in influencing aggregate demand?

  1. 1. г .  
  2. 2. .  
  3. 3. .  
  4. 4. ʳ 1000 .  
  5. 5. .  
  6. 6. .  
  7. 7. , .  
  8. 8. , , .  
  9. 9. , .  


  10. 10. , .  
  11. 11. , , .  
  12. 12. 㳿.  
  13. 13. , .  
  14. 14. , .  
  15. 15. , , .  
  16. 16. , , .  
  17. 17. , .  
  18. 18. , .  
  19. 19. ʳ 1000 .  
  20. 20. .  
  21. 21. , .  
  22. 22. , , .  
  23. 23. , , .  
  24. 24. , , , .  
  25. 25. .  


  26. 26. , .  



1. ,, :

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4. :

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) , ;

) .

5. :

) ;

) ;

) ;

) ;

) .

6. If the prices of imported resources increase, then this event would most likely:

a) decrease aggregate demand;

b) increase aggregate demand;

c) increase aggregate supply;

d) decrease aggregate supply.

7. Which of the following is not a supply factor in economic growth?

a) an expansion in purchasing power;

b) an increase in the economys stock of capital goods;

c) more natural resources;

d) technological progress.

1. , , :

, . , .


) ?

) - 4 ., ?

) 4 5 ., . ? ? ?

) , 100%, ? ? ?


̲ Ͳ

1. :

) ;

) . ;

) 2008-2010.

2. :

) - . ;

) ;

) ;

) .

3. :

) . - ;

) . ;

) . Գ;

) .


1. : . ϳ. . 1 / . . . . - .: , 2009. - . 543 - 575; 576


2. . . - .: , 2005. - . 296 - 328; 329 -


3. . ., . ., . . . ϳ / . . . . - .: , 2008. - . 337 - 392; 425 - 437; 397-425; 438 - 458.

4. . . : . - .: , 2002. - . 93 - 102; 103 - 112.


- peak - expansion

- capital flight - recession

() - business - stagflation

cycle - underground

- trough economy

- unemployment benefit

- Okuns law


minimum wage law

- meaning of


- measurement of inflation

- shoe- leather cost

- moderate inflation - hyperinflation - inflation rate - cost-push inflation - hidden unemployment

- public works programs - procyclical - seasonal variations - unemployment insurance - duration of unemployment

- trade union - expected inflation - anticipated inflation

- redistributive effects of inflation - creeping inflation - borrowers - per unit production costs - debtors and creditors

- demand-pull inflation



1. ?

2. ?

3. ?

4. ?

5. ?

6. ?

7. ³ - ?

8. ?

9. ?

10. ?

11. 1993.?

12. ?

13. What is the economic cost of unemployment and how is this cost measured?

14. Why do some economists prefer the term business fluctuations to business cycle?

15. What groups benefit from and what groups are hurt by inflation?

  1. 1. , .  
  2. 2. г .  
  3. 3. .  
  4. 4. , .  
  5. 5. .  
  6. 6. , .  
  7. 7. , .  
  8. 8. , .  
  9. 9. .  
  10. 10. .  
  11. 11. , , .  
  12. 12. , .  
  13. 13. ʳ , .  
  14. 14. ʳ , .  
  15. 15. , .  
  16. 16. . - ղ .  
  17. 17. .  
  18. - 18. , .  
  19. 19. ( 50% ).  
  20. 20. , .  
  21. 21. , ..  
  22. 22. ,  
  23. 23. ʳ .  


  24. 24. ʳ , .  
  25. 25. , .  


1. :

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2. :

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3. :

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4. ,, :

) ;

) ;

) 㳿;

) ;

) .

5. :

) ;

) ;

) ;

) . - ղ . ;

) .

6. Which one of the following is not one of the four phases of an idealized business cycle?

a) recession;

b) recovery;

c) trough;

d) loss;


1. 50 . 60%. 50 . 1420 . .

2. :
г , %


) .

) .

3. If the price index was 120 last year and is 141 this year, what was this years rate of inflation? What is the,,rule of 70? How long would it take for the price level to double in inflation persisted at a) 6; b)10; and 22,3 percent per year?



1. , :

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2. , :

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) . Գ ;

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3. :

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) .

1. : . ϳ. . 1 / . . . . - .: , 2009. - . 623 - 642; 648

- 658.

2. . . - .: , 2005. - . 377-396; 407 - 417.

3. . ., . ., . . . ϳ / . . . . - .: , 2008. - .547 - 624.

4. . . : . - .: , 2002. - . 113123; 124 - 134.


- usury laws , - - legal tender monetary rule

Open Market Committee

䳿 lender of last resort

reserve ratio () discount rate

required reserves thrift institutions () liabilities liabilities and net worth

loans of commercial banks

Board of Governors reserve currency Federal Reserve System (The Fed) - securities monetizing the debt

central bank independence open market operations

easy money policy

,, tight money polity

expansionary monetary policy goals of monetary policy

automatic stabilizer

discretionary fiscal policy crowding out effect ( ) rule of reasons () contractionary fiscal policy cyclically balanced budget annually balanced budget


1. ?

2. ?

3. ?

4. , ?

5. ?

6. ?

7. ?

8. ?

9. ?

10. ?

11. ?

12. ?

13. What are political problems that complicate the use of fiscal policy to stabilize the economy?

14. What are the important assets and liabilities of the central banks?

15. What is meant by fiscal policy?

  1. 1.  
  2. 2. , .  
  3. 3. , , .  
  4. 4. ֳ .  
  5. ,, 5. , .  
  6. ,, 6. .  
  7. 7. , , .  
  8. 8. ʳ , .  
  9. 9. , , .  
  10. 10. , .  
  11. 11. 쳿 , , .  
  12. 12. ϳ, , , .  


  13. , 13. , .  
  14. 14. , .  
  15. 15. ³ , .  
  16. 16. .  
  17. 17. , .  
  18. 18. , .  
  19. 19. , , .  
  20. 20. , , .  
  21. 21. ᒺ, , .  
  22. 22. - , .  
  23. 23. ³ .  
  24. 24. ³ , , .  
  25. 25. ³ - , .  
  26. 26. .  


  27. 27. ³ , , .  
  28. 28. , .  
  29. 29. , .  



1. :

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4. :

) , - ;

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) ;

) .

5. :

) ;

) ;

) ;

) , ;

) .

6. If the government wishes to increase the level of real GDP, it might:

a) reduce taxes;

b) reduce its purchases of goods and services;

c) reduce transfer payments;

d) reduce the size of the budget deficit.

7. Which policy combination would tend to reduce net exports:

a) tight money policy and expansionary fiscal policy;

b) easy money policy and expansionary fiscal policy;

c) tight money policy and contractionary fiscal policy;

d) easy money policy and contractionary fiscal policy.

1. 12% , 15%. 10%. 400 . , ..


² ̲ ² ²

1. :

) -, ;

) . . - ;

) .

2. :

) ;

) ;

) ;

) .

. :

) ;

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) , . ;

) .


1. : . ϳ. . 1 / . . . . .: , 2009. . 261 268; 683 724.

2. . ϳ / . . . : 2000, 2006. . 379399.

3. : . ϳ / . . . . .: , 2008. . 530 554; 558 577.

4. . . . .: , 2005. . 435 443; 457 470.






gains from trade exports control , developing countries tariff - open economy - free trade () - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) - dumping - exports

- export transactions - closed economy - protective tariff - foreign trade - imports - Asian tigers - G-7 Nations - gains from trade - capital outflow - immobility - domestic price - capital flight - marginal propensity to import - voluntary export restriction - economic impact of quotas - economic impact of tariffs () - outward orientation

- European Union - import substitution - trade surplus - less developed countries

- nontariff barriers - international balance of payment - comparative advantage

- developed countries () - World Trade Organization (WTO) - world price - trade balance - barriers to trade - new global compact

- -

Organization of Petrolium Exporting Counrties (OPEC)


trade control

- equilibrium world price

- World Bank - strategic trade policy - export subsidies

- terms of trade - revenue tariff - capitalintensive commodities (goods) - external debt - trade war


1. ?

2. ?

3. ?

4. ?

5. ?

6. ?

7. 곿?

8. ?

9. 볔?

10. ?

11. ?

12. ?

13. What are the principal exports and imports of the Ukrainian economy?

14. Which nations are the principal trading partners of Ukraine?

15. What motivates nations to erect barriers to the importation of goods from abroad and what types of barriers do they erect?

  1. 1. , .  
  2. 2. , .  
  3. 3. , .  
  4. 4. ³ .  
  5. 5. , .  
  6. 6. , .  
  7. 7. .


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