






, , .

. (, , ) / .

. . XVI . . (adagio, allegro, basso, opera, trio, sonata), , - . (fresco, studio, intaglio; canto, stanza). - . . (volcano, lava, casino, gondola, cicerone). ., . . (fascism, bank, traffic). . . ., . (pasta, paparazzi, mafia).

. XVI-XVII ., , , . , , , .-, . - armada, barbecue, canyon, cargo, chocolate, cigar, cocoa, hurricane, potato, ranch.

.- , , , . , , - cobra, Madeira, tank, veranda, mandarin.


3 .: , , . 80- . XX . , ., . (altyn, boyar, borzoi, samovar, vodka, nihilist, tundra, taiga). .: Komsomol, artel, Soviets. + , : sputnik, cosmonaut. . XX ., -. (perestroika, glasnost).


. . . - . , , . , (. ), butter (. butyrum), copper (. cuprum). 400 . . street (. via strata), wall (. vallum), mint (. menta, moneta) . . , . , - ., -Chester (. castra ) Chester, Manchester, Lancaster; -wich Greenwich, Harwich . vicus . . . priest (. presbuteros), candle (. candela, candela), creed (. credo). . ., , , chest (. cista, ), silk (. sericum, ), rose (. rosa). .. . , . : school (. schola), circle (. circulus), . . - - (formula, fraction, magnanimity, fatal, jovial, beneficial, vernacular). . , .. . . (oculist, osteotomy, etc.).

, , , .

, . , (translation- loans), . , .. . , , , , , .

sport, labour, travel, people, castle, fortress . . . , . . .



. .

, , , . , ' , . . . ., . . . . . , , . to eat the bread of idleness; to rain cats and dogs. . - , : to look a gift horse in the mouth ; a fish out of water . . . - , : to meet the requirement; to meet the necessity, the demand. : 1. , - ; 2.- ; 3. . ³ : 1. . 2. . 3. . , , - . . : loose ones head ; hungry as a wolf . , : wolf in the sheeps clothing ; cut smbds claws . , : 1., , : sing like a nightingale - ; to dance like an elephant - ; 2. : : : a wolf in sheep's clothing ; , : proud as a peacock ; : : smb wouldn't hurt a fly ; : to work like a horse . 3. : : an aquiline nose ; : thin as a rake ; 4. : to feel like a fish out of water , ; 5. , : to happen when pigs fly - , 7.: to lead a pretty dance ; 8./, /, /: the lion's share - ; to be poor as a church mouse . 9. : to fight cats and dogs - ; 10.: straight from the horse's mouth - . (). , , , . -: to be blind as a bt .

. , , . , .

, , . . opii i coocoy cii opo ooi y opy.

Cpyypa coye caia, cpyypa ix pa pacopyc, cpyypa aoo coye. Ocoic oa y oy, occ ec acoa, oa , xo oo cpyyp.

pay ooae . a i epi paeooi. B. B. Bopao apoa epi paeooia o i apooya pyoy aciai paeooii. Bac ao epi iioa ( a. idiom).


- ;

-- - ;

- ;

- , .

aciai paeooix ae . B. Kyi:

1. iice ae, e ace paeooia oci, ic epeocce ooea - iioa coye: to keep the pot boiling apo po.

2. oio-iice ae paa paeooia, a cio cpyyp, a epeii ooe oy ac y poy aei: to know chalk from cheese (to know A from B) popi apocii pei; a, oo; to change hands (pockets) epe py py.

3. acoo-epeoccee ae paeooi, a oopii ooe p ae: to look like a thousand dollars a ap , to lend a helping hand oa pyy ooo

4. oi, aco peocce ae, e ace paeooia, ep ooe ac y poy ae, a ii y epeocceoy: to take to one's heels o oac yc, to turn an honest penny eco apo.

aciai oci ia. aao paeooii iaa pii , ocoo , a i ooe.

aciai ae paeooii B. . Apxaec:

1. cyee oci:

) cei:

- oao-eyooai: n the sky oc eoce, a hot dog a xia capeo; p.: coay 'c, a coi, yp ,

- oao-yooai: to keep one's head over the surface pac oepxi, to laugh up one's sleeve o cic;

) aaii, oo ae, aci paeooi coye: the dead hour epa oa, a dark horse ea oa.

2. cocoo iopae icoci:

- pe (oiae, yae) ae ace e ope ooea: to breathe a word pooopc, ip a,

- epeecee (opae, eaope) ae cocepiac opex ooeax, a i ix ox: to let the cat out of the bag, to spill the beans pooopc, ip a.

3. cye paeooio acpai:

- opee paeooie ae paae oyo coye, grammar never gets old paaa io capi

- acpae - ayoo-exi epia know-how exi a.

4. y iecoci:

- iece: to rain cats and dogs ao, to teach a good lesson po,

- eiec. ac ai ioci opax ci-x coocoye.

5. cyee eya:

- ooai: to eat humble pie, to eat of one's hand y oip.

- aaoai: catch it hot y oapa i pa!, oepy!, a!,.

6. yioa oa: oyiai, oai, peai, yoi, ecpeco-cici.

aciai paeooii B. B. Bopaoa:

1. paeooii oci coye, y x epiac oaa ceao poioci caox ac, a, ic, i acoa yooaic aaoo ae: bit by bit ao-oay, a black sheep apa i, angelic patience aece epi, a bitter cup ipa aa.

2. paeooii coye opo, yopei acio oa paeooio 'ax ae ci: a balmy voice eo ooc(o), a beauty sleep pai ( oioi), baking weather cea.

3. paeooii pe acaii cii coye; epoie ae ae ae opex ooei: after meat comes mustard opoa oa oiy, a battle of the books ye cy.

Haeea aciai aaac poio y ooaci. H. M. Aocoa epe epya yay icyic y acia oo py pooiy. Cpaa oy, B. B. Bopao ao pepi poeya o, a oy poe i oci i popi cyee yooaoci, oi coye i cyee oa caox ac y aaoy aei coocoye.

Cepe aaox cpo yocoa aciai B. B. Bopaoa y acia ooii, cpyypo-ceai. oecooii, ocoi eoi ooe, paai, eei, eai, yioao-coi oo. ocii i eep o paeooii pa, caac ci io i ae: it is not all gold that glitters e ooo, , charity begins at home aoiic oac oa, it's better to see once than to hear a hundred times pae pa oa, c pa oy. paeooii pa ey pci', ic ocii aa ac ooepaa apoo ypoci.

cpyypo-cea aciai . B. Kyi paeooi oi ac, iac i pop cpyypo-cea ocooc:

l) oiai paeooii oi - coocoye o ay coo ( wear and tear, well and good), opo peao cpyypo ( as the case stands) i acoo peai co ( see now the cat jumps iya, y iep oe);

2) oiao-oyiai oi - icii y to beat the drum, oy pacopyc y peei ai icoa y aci opi, p. the drum is beaten;

3) paeooii oi - yoi coye y, a peay cpyypy ecpec epeocce ae ooei, ocio ao apiao-ocio aei: all aboard! ocaa aiea; call the question! o ia!; done with you! ooc, o pyax!,

4) oyiai paeooii oi - iio, pci', pa, poi ( If you want peace be prepared for war , ), ai pee ( Does your mother know you're out? e ooo yax ocoxo. n the leopard change its spots? opaoo oa pa).

Cic aciai paeooii M. M. ac, . ai, E.appi i opei pop:

1. ooo-oyo oxo cii coye, o ac y oceoy oei: to be well with axoc y pyix cocyax, to change one's tune epei yy pooy, to do down oay, to fire away oopc, to give ear cyxa, to let off steam acooc.

2. Ki paeooi, aa, ac e y cei oi. x ae aco opey oaox eooix iooce: the Alpha and Omega of oao i ie ooc; to be between Scilla d Charibdis y ox oi; to become the sport of Fortune ca ipao oi oo.

3. icoi cii coocoye ia ocei a. Bo o ey pooo-oyo paeooia, poe oaei ax oa, ipoi, eaic, aipaco: to keep the word oya oiy, a family man ooci, to cut to pieces po.

oa ope cic ypyya icy paeooii oi, ac opex ioax, a i pix epiooix cceax, y iaeax, pix apiaax o.

ci coye epea oxoe:

1. acooi aa cpyypy, aioai ocooci i opiac ox cocyi acee, e coye opcyc,

2. aoe paeooi ya ox i

- i iox epe, yaac oooo acoox ci,

- ai, epeac oo, o aoe oxo.


1. epoiic - xo poi ec aao cce o.

2. aoae poaya ox o ci, ooei cix coye. Toy paeooii oi oa aciya e oaa cpyyp, cea, cic, yioa.

3. aciic - aic ooy coyei iox cea ooei.

4. iooopeic - 'o ci y paeooix ox oci i pyyc cacx cocyax eeei oo pi, iepyc i ocio iyc.

5. Haic aooipoce y cocyax caox ac paeooia.

6. paeooi coi: ic apiaa to be black as a crow; to be black as a crow's wing; to be black as a raven; to be black as sloe; to be black as coal; to be black as ebony; to be black as ink; to be black as jet; to be black as soot; to be black as the ace of spades ioia acyi ypaci p caa (opooe po, coa, e), p (e) i.

7. ii oa y pocaei ae eco-ceai cioci icy. an old sea wolf ca opc o a young calf of a mate oo a pocaei oi xapaepc e ooo axy.

8. aaoaic ope ceao cpyyp paeooiy oae op i apae cea epeocce, apa: bread and cheese: l) poca i 2) aco icya; to draw the line :1) poeoya; 2) yc oyc, oac pa; , : a broken man l) apy i 2) rpai.



- , . , . , , , . . , , 䳺 . 䳺, , ' . , . , ( ), , ' , , . ֳ . .: . : , . . . , , , , : , , , , , , , , . ' ' , : ', , , . ' : , , , , , . ' , : , , , . - , ' ', : , , , , , . .  - , , , ', .




. - , ​​ . , / , . Ex: ( ) - , , . -: 1) (, , , - , ), 2) . 4 : 1) , 2) , 3) , 4) . - , - - , . = , (cf = conferre, eg = exempli gratia). - - (however, as a result, in connection with). - , , - -, , . = / , - . - : We beg to inform you, on behalf of, provided that. 2 : 1) , , , 2) . : - info. 䳺-': Professor kills city, 40.000 homeless. - - , .. ' . - ( , ) ( ). - ' - .. . - = , - . : , , . - - (vital importance, dark & ​​dirty political deeds). - , - -. - , 䳿: Now, gentlemen, what are the facts? You are sensible men. I don't need to tell you... ( ) (Th. Dreiser). : , , . - : My Lords, Ladies & Gentlemen, Honorable members of the house. - 2 , , - - - ' - (There're a few little things my wife just sent over). : - , , .



. .

. . : - , : ?? ( (John Black - , Great Britain ) (a table - , snow - , freedom - ). (a book - ) (joy - ), (a cat - ) (a cup - ). (a house - , houses - ) (bread - , advice - , 1. (The Number) , , : (Singular) (Plural). : a pen many pens

2. ³ ( TheCase). : (the Common Case) (the Possessive Case). . ' . , . -'s( s). , : ) , , : Kyiv's streets

the "Neva's" crew "" ) : a kilometre's distance .



. . . . . .


. .: , : , ? ?; , ; , : , . . ³ (' ) ( ). ( , ); , ? (', , ) ( - , ). : : : - ; - ³ : -. , . : : - , . : -, , ; 䳺: -; : -; -; -. . .): ( ) -(); : : i --; : - . - ( ) : : - ; - ; : -. : () : - ; -; ( 䳺 ): , , ; : - .



ij. . , , . . . . .

ij , .ij ? ? . 䳺, , , , , . 䳺 , , , .ij : , , . 䳺 ( , ; ). . : a. - to be b. c. can, may, must, ought, need: : 䳺 5 . (); ; 䳺: - -. -/-; 䳺: - , - . 䳺 . : ,, , , , . ij , . ij (, ), (, , ). (, ), (, ). -- (, ) (, ); , - - - -- (, ), -- (, ), -- (, ). ij (, , , , , ) ij : (, ), (, ) ( , ).ij (, , , , ). - : (Indefinite Tenses), (Continuous Tenses), (Perfect Tenses), (Perfect Continuous Tenses). : (Present), (Past), (Future).

IJ˲ ij ? ? ? ij ? ? ? ij 䳺 : (- , - ); (- , - ); (a- u); : - (- ), - (- ); (- , - ). 䳺:can; may; must; ought; shall; should; will; 䳺, 䳺 , 䳿, compound modal predicate 䳺 , 䳿, , ' (obligatory), , , . 䳺 , 䳺 : 䳺 -s ; 䳺 ; 䳺 , can may;

䳺 : (the Active Voice) < ³ 䳺: .ij, , , , , , . ij, , , , , , : , , .

: , ,



. . .

(,,..). , . . 䳺 (,), 䳺 . 䳺- (., ), (he says, he comes up). they . . - . . It , . . . It , ,. . . : my, his, her, its mine, his, hers , . ( ). I did my work. 8 : myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves. . . 1 . ³ . ³ - . . . , 䳺 he amused himself. . . , . - oneself. ³ (, ,to defend oneself).

, ,, , ,, , , -.



ij. . . .

, , ᒺ . , , . , , , , , .

., : speaks: spoke: will speak, is speaking: was speaking: will be speaking, 䳿 . : : . . . . .

- : (Indefinite Tenses), (Continuous Tenses), (Perfect Tenses), (Perfect Continuous Tenses). : (Present), (Past), (Future).

ij : Present Continuous 䳿 . Present Continuous 䳿 . - .

ij : Future Indefinite 䳿, . 䳿 , . 䳺 . Future Continuous , . 䳺 . Future Perfect Continuous , 䳿. , 䳺 .

ij : - Past Indefinite, Past Continuous, Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous, Present Perfect, . 䳺 䳺 .

, , , , .: . She had reached home early and went in the front room to think . , 볻. , Present Perfect , , : . Sister Carrie has gone, to live somewhere else . . , Present Perfect

, 䳺, .



䳺, , .

- , . ' : , , . , . . , -ing,-ment,-ance,-ation 䳺 , ; un-, de-, dis- , 䳺 , , . . , - ery (fishery, pottery), ' - (bravery). 䳺, 䳿 (delivery). ˳ , , . (columnist), (fellowship), (jewelry), (streamlet); , (snowy, moneyless, babylike, brotherly), 䳺 䳿, (monopolize, dignify, granulate). ij - (giver, taker) 䳿 (establishment, discussion, creation), 䳺 (sleepy, troublesome, frightened

:-, ,




. . . . .

. . . . .. .: (, , , and, neither...nor, not...but), (, , ..; or, either...or), (, , , ; but, while, whereas) - (, ; so that, for, therefore) .. , : , , .

. . . .., . , .

. .. . .. .. . . . , . ϳ . . . that, if, whethe who/ what/ which; whatever/whoever; where/when. .- /. ϳ , (that, what,, ) (which/that; , ) (that, if; , , ), : , (where ) (, when), 䳿, (as/as if; ) (asas/soas; ..) (in order that/foe fear that; , ) (because/as/since;, ), (if/unless; , ) (, ; though, however) (so that; ) (, ; which)



, .

- ( ), . : - ; - . г . г . .

, . .. , .. , .. . .

, , , .

5 :

1) ; 2) /-

3) - 4) 5) .

. .

- , . , , , ﳺ. , . .

: , (), , , . , , , , (, (, , , .)), - (, , , . .), ( , , , , , , , ), (- -).




, .

, , . : .

Heooi oa o, yopea ae ooo o . aeya ox pee, oapi, ii, poyi cyaco exooi. Heooi yopc pyi ox oei, coiax , iapox cocyi.


- ,

- cooopi ,

- aoe ( ix , a i ypi aoe),

Kaci eooi:

- oo-cea oaa (epei o, oi coa oaa),

- cocoa coopy - oi cooyope a aic ioix opooix poeci.

Opei coye yopc a aoo ay (nonce-words). aca aco a, a aca epepoc cop.

Icop coo, o y, ciie o oci peaa aca oo oceoo ociy. cop oaa pa, oci, pooi oi, epecya, po, o, yxoapci c, pee oyy, i ayc cocoo eox oca: bard ap, ec iecpe, chartism p, bron apo, ooap eoo aiy, tribune py, vassal aca.

Apxa coo ao pa, o oceoo y i cpac acapi: centime ca (pia oea), descant eoi, ic (p. . a y . Ki-co'ea i M. oo), garner cxoe ypoa; p. yp. ape op. Apxa oaa pei, , aa, oca, ao icy.

oe e o'ae a oi:

- e pee, coa oaa;

- ia ae (ao y po x);

- ypaa oai (oeo, yoaciyao, aaooo);

- aoe coia;

- poo ooii;

- ice ooo ae.

coo ao coocoye icopo yooa yoo apie ae, ia oe o y ceiaioai ayi a poa. Cyyic epii ecx acoi aeya, caa epiooi, oic :

- oeaypy - cyyic ceiax epii-a, ac opei xoi ii.

- poecioai - ye ayoo-exix epii, caa ayo cce, aa ceiai o, ap ao poy pai, poi poec, apoi peeca oc i ice xapaep.

Bo epia:

1. o, xapaepc o.

2. Ceiic, ooa y eax opeo ayeo epiooi, coii.

iae epopia, aco ao coa pio o. iaeo opcyc ea ciic e, oy i ipic co pi cea, paa i oe.

Tepopiai iae oioo acy ocyoo iec. o cyo icex a peioai poxoe y oi a; epiac oy oei ocooci icex oipo.

oiai iae - e apia (pio) o, opcyc opei coiai ypyya , oxo y ccio, eeo, yioao i cpyypo pix , pooic poecioai i apo (apo); ocai a aici oi y ce.

poecii iae, pi iaei coiax, oxo ecy, aa epeay oi ooo axy ao y a.

apo caac ace yopex (opooio ao ceao) eeei, ax eo iopee pe oi ao cioci.

Ce eca poooo y, y aa o aaoo caapy; coa, o y capi oi ao ac, a a oco ecocea ic.



' . , , , , , . . ³ : , . , , , - . , - . . , , . , 쳿, , .. : , , . , consequence, result, connection in consequence of, as a result, in connection with - . - . , , . , , , - .



. XVIII , . , . : . . , , - - , , , . . , : , , , , . dz , , - (). , ( ) . , , , , , , . . .



- .


. . , , . ; ; , , - , , . : , , . , . - , , , . ., . . , hereby; henceforth; aforesaid; beg to inform . . . , . , : persona grata; persona nongrata; pro tempore; the quorum; status quo; . , , . . , . P. (Member of Parliament); gvt (government); pmt (Parliament); i. e. (id est=that is); . , : , .



. .

, , . : - , , . - . . , "" , , , , : whip, whack, swish, slap. - , . shine, bid, bind, bear, fare, fall . , , , ache, "to throb with pain", , : acre, , field - . , , . , . scholarly, kingly, soldierly , -ly, , , . , - . , , . , , . chip i card. - , . , , to dance - dance, frolic, jive, waltz, shimmie, boogie-woogie, glide, rock, twist. , . "" : - arrive, come, reach.




. :- '. , , , : Dear Sir, Dear Sirs, Gentlemen, Yours very truly, We remain your obedient servants, Yours obediently, Yours faithfully, Yours respectfully, , 8 - 10 , , . , , , ; (inside address), , , , , .


. г .

, , ' , , . , , , , , , , , , , , . :

1. ( ): . ; ; . lick smbs boots; turn smth. in ones mind; 2. : . ; ; . a bad mixer; a lump of clay; 3. . ; ; . sit on a barrel of gun-powder; be on the high ropes; 4. . - . ; . be on the nettles; 5. . , ; . ones heart sank into ones boots;


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