






/ / examination ticket

қ ә / / Kazakh university of technology and business


, ә / , /

The department "economy, accounting and audit"




ә ә / / The discipline "Account and audit"


2 ғ, ғ/ 2 , / For students of the 2th course, specialty 5050800 - ә / 5050800 / 5050800 Account and audit

/ ө, /, / code, name


1.ң ғң / / Common description labour-market.

2. ө қ./ /. That time, when a man uses.

2.ұ ү ң ә./ / Working force ң methods of features.


, ә ң ә / , , / Tickets are approved at faculty meeting Economics, accounting and audit


//Protocol 7 11 2016 //y. 4

құғ/ / The ticket amounted

, ғ қ/ , ./ master, senior lecturer


.. Djanmuldaeva L. N.

/қ// signature /-ө/. . / the name

ң/ / Head of the Department

.ғ.., /..., .,

..s associate Professor


. Ғ. /Kerimbek. G. E

/қ// signature /-ө/. . / the name


қ ә / / Kazakh university of technology and business


, ә / , /

The department "economy, accounting and audit"




ә ә / / The discipline "Account and audit"


2 ғ, ғ/ 2 , / For students of the 2th course, specialty 5050800 - ә / 5050800 / 5050800 Account and audit

/ ө, /, / code, name


1. ғ ./ / To Direct investment to the capital of man .

2.Ө ./ /Production .

3.ұ ү ұ./ / Queries to working to force.



, ә ң ә / , , / Tickets are approved at faculty meeting Economics, accounting and audit


//Protocol 7 11 2016 //y. 4

құғ/ / The ticket amounted

, ғ қ/ , ./ master, senior lecturer


.. Djanmuldaeva L. N.

/қ// signature /-ө/. . / the name

ң/ / Head of the Department

.ғ.., /..., .,

..s associate Professor


. Ғ. /Kerimbek. G. E

/қ// signature /-ө/. . / the name


қ ә / / Kazakh university of technology and business


, ә / , /

The department "economy, accounting and audit"




ә ә / / The discipline "Account and audit"


2 ғ, ғ/ 2 , / For students of the 2th course, specialty 5050800 - ә / 5050800 / 5050800 Account and audit

/ ө, /, / code, name


1.Ғ-қ өқ./ - /Ғ-қ about looks.

2.ә ң ғң ./ /Rivals descriptions labour-market.

3.ұ ұ./ /Working place unite.

, ә ң ә / , , / Tickets are approved at faculty meeting Economics, accounting and audit


//Protocol 7 11 2016 //y. 4


: 2017-02-24; !; : 554 |



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