






Characteristics of the period dose titration warfarin in patients with atrial fibrillation. Relationship with clinical factors

1Shvarts Y.G., 1Artanova E.L.,1Saleeva E.V., 1Sokolov I.M.

1SaratovStateMedicalUniversityn.a. V.I. Razumovsky, Saratov, Russia (410012, Saratov, street B.Kazachya, 112), e-mail:[email protected]

We have done the analysis of the relationship characteristics of the individual selection of therapeutic doses of warfarin and clinical characteristics in patients with atrial fibrillation. Following characteristics of the period of selection of a dose were considered: a definitive therapeutic dose of warfarin in mg, duration of selection of a dose in days and the maximum value of the international normalised relation (INR), registered in the course of titration. Therapeutic dose of warfarin, duration of its selection and fluctuations in thus INRdepend on the following clinical factors - a history of stroke, obesity, thyroid lesions, smoking, and concomitant therapy, specifically, the use of amiodarone, in cases of appointment of warfarin in patients with atrial fibrillation.However at patients with combination Ischemic heart trouble and atrial fibrillation it is not established essential dependence of features of selection of a dose of warfarin from such characteristics, as a sex, age, quantity of accompanying diseases, presence of cholelithic illness, a diabetes of II type, duration of an arrhythmia, firmness of fibrillation of auricles, a functional class of warm insufficiency and presence of a stenocardia of pressure.According to the nonparametric correlation analysis characteristics of the period of selection of a therapeutic dose of warfarin haven't been significantly connected among themselves.


Key words: warfarin, atrial fibrillation, an international normalized ratio (INR)


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