






III. .


Text 1

I. .



Marketing is the term given to all the different activities intended to make and attract a profitable demand for a product. This involves:

- identifying consumer needs and wants in order to develop the product.

- setting the price.

- deciding on the best place to sell the product.

- deciding on how best to promote the product.

These four factors are also called The Four Ps or the marketing mix.

Some experts believe that promotion is the most important factor.

Mario Capelli, a marketing consultant, describes different methods of promotion.

Perhaps the most effective way to promote products is to advertise. There are several different advertising media that we can use, for example TV, radio, the press, the cinema and the Internet. There are other selling techniques as well.

One of them is personal selling when sales representatives make regular sales visits to customers and potential customers.

Then there are sales promotions. These include special offers, (for example: Ten percent reduction in price), discounts, competitions and free gifts.

The next method is direct marketing. This includes all sales activities where consumers can buy the product immediately. An example is direct mail where you send information to potential customers by post. We can also include TV and internet shopping in this category. Another method of promotion is public relations. This involves creating news and getting information about the company or its products in the press or on TV.

And finally, we have sponsorship. A company pays money to have its name linked to an event or a person such as a sports personality. The person wears clothing with the name of the company on it.




1. a term [ə tə:m]
2. to intend [ɪnˈtend] ;
3. to attract [əˈtrækt]
4. a profitable demand [ə ˈprɔfɪtəbl dɪˈmɑ:nd]
5. to involve [ɪnˈvɔlv]
6. to identify [aɪˈdentɪfaɪ]
7. to set a price
8. to promote a product [prəˈməut ə ˈprɔdʌkt] promotion [prəˈməuʃən] sales promotion [seɪlz prəˈməuʃən]   ,
9. the marketing mix [ˈmɑ:kɪtɪŋ mɪks] ; -
10. a method [ˈmeθəd]
11. effective [ɪˈfektɪv]
12. advertising media [ˈædvətaɪz ˈmedɪə]
13. public relations [ˈpʌblɪk rɪˈleɪʃən]
14. potential [pəuˈtenʃəl]
15. selling techniques [tekˊni:ks]
16. personal selling [ˈpə:snl ]
17. percent [pəˊsent]
18. a reduction in price [rɪˈdʌkʃən ɪn praɪs]
19. a discount ['dɪskaunt]
20. direct marketing [dɪˈrekt ˈmɑ:kɪtɪŋ] -;
21. direct mail [dɪˈrekt meɪl]
22. immediately [ɪˈmi:dɪətlɪ]
23. sponsorship
24. to link smth to smth [lɪŋk] - -
25. an event [ɪˈvent] ,
26. a sports personality [spɔ:t ˌpə:səˈnælɪtɪ]


1. What is marketing?

2. What factors does the marketing mix include?

3. What methods of product promotion do companies use?

4. What is the most effective way to promote products?

5. What advertising media can you name?

6. Name a few selling techniques.

7. What activities does direct marketing include?

8. What is direct mail?

Text 2

II. .


International trade is the exchange of goods and services between different countries. Depending on what a country produces and needs, it can export (send goods to another country) and import (bring in goods from another country).

Governments can control international trade. The most common measures are tariffs (or duties) and quotas. A tariff is a tax on imported goods, and a quota is the maximum quantity of a product allowed into a country during a certain period of time. These measures are protectionist as they raise the price of imported goods to protect domestically produced goods.

A countrys balance of trade is the difference between the values of its imports and exports. This includes visible imports / exports (goods) and invisible imports / exports (services). If a country imports more than it exports, it has a trade deficit. If it exports more than it imports, it has a trade surplus.

Companies can choose from various methods to enter a foreign market. One option is to start working with local experts, who have a specialist knowledge of the market and sell on behalf of the company. This often leads to the company opening a local branch or sales office. Another option is to sell patents and licences for their products. They can start manufacturing in the export market by either setting up a local subsidiary or a joint venture with a local partner.



1.an exchange [ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ] an exchange of goods an exchange of views We had a frank exchange of views.   to exchange smth We exchanged addresses and promised to write to one another. . - .
2.to control smth [kənˈtrəul] Our company has always controlled its sales. - .
3.depending on [dɪˈpend] Prices vary depending on the region. .
4.a measure [ˈmeʒə] This is a temporary measure. .
5.tariffs / duties [ˈtærɪfs/ ˈdju:tɪz] The government has raised tariffs on oil. .
6.a quantity [ˈkwɔntɪtɪ]
7.a quota [ˈkwəutə] to introduce quotas on smth The government is planning to introduce quotas on sugar production. - .
8.a tax (on smth) [tæks] Taxes on petrol were raised after the election. ( -) .
9.to protect [prəˈtekt] protectionism protectionist
10.balance of trade
11.visible [ˈvɪzəbl]
12.invisible [ɪnˈvɪzəbl]
13.trade deficit [ˊdefɪsɪt]
14.trade surplus [ˊsə:pləs] ,
15.a method [ˈmeθəd]
16.an option [ˈɔpʃən] ,
17.an expert [ˈekspə:t]
18.to have a specialist knowledge of smth -
19.on behalf of [bɪˈhɑ:f] The lawyer spoke on behalf of his client. .
20.a local branch ,
21.a patent for a product
22.a licence for a product
23.to manufacture [ˌmænjuˈfæktʃə] manufacturing , (- )
24.either.or [ˈaɪðə] Students could choose either French or Spanish. .; , .
25.a subsidiary [səbˈsɪdjərɪ]
26.a joint venture [ˊventʃə] A joint venture is formed for a limited period of time or a single project. .
27.to export [ɪk'spɔːt] 28.exports [ˊekspɔ:ts] ( )
29.to import [ɪm'pɔːt] imports [ˊɪmpɔ:ts] ( )


1. What is international trade?

2. What do exports and imports of goods depend on?

3. Who controls international trade?

4. What measures do governments use to control international trade?

5. What is a tariff?

6. What is a quota?

7. Why are tariffs and quotas called protectionist measures?

8. What is a countrys balance of trade?

9. When do we say that a country has a trade deficit?

10. When does a country have a trade surplus?

11. How can a company enter a foreign market?

12. Why does a company need to work with local experts when it wishes to enter a foreign market?


Text 3

III. .



Pamela Pickford trains business people to make presentations. Heres what she says.

The key is preparation. So the first step is to find out who youre going to be presenting to. You should find out how much the audience know about the subject. Are they experts or do they know very little? Are you presenting to a group from the same or from different countries? And adjust your language so that everybody can understand. If possible, visit the room where youll be giving the presentation beforehand and organize it precisely to your own requirements. You must feel comfortable in it.

So once you know who you are presenting to and where, youre ready to start preparing what youre going to say. So stage one is the opening the first few moments that can make or break the presentation. Then stage two, a brief introduction about the subject of your talk. Stage three the main body of the presentation. And four, the conclusion, which should include a summary of your talk and your recommendations. Finally, the question and answer session.

I suggest that people memorise the opening as if they were actors. Write down the opening, record it, listen to it, and practice it again and again. If its properly done, youll get the audiences attention immediately, and youll feel confident during the rest of the presentation. After that, you can start using your notes. So the first step is to write those notes. Write the whole presentation out just like an essay. Then select the key points. But read the full version over and over again until its imprinted on your mind. The next step is to buy some small white postcards and write no more than one or two of the key points on each one.

When talking, face the audience at all times. Finally, remember that what you say is as important as how you say it. A good presentation is very much a performance.



1. to present smth to smb [ ] Tomorrow we are going to present our project to the committee. a presentation [ˌprezenˈteɪʃən] to make / give a presentation Every salesman should know how to make a presentation. - - . , .
2. to prepare [prɪˈpɛə]
3. preparation [ˌprepəˈreɪʃən]
4. audience [ˈɔ:djəns] The performance attracted a huge audience. .
5. a subject [səb'ʤekt] Can we talk about a different subject please? , ?
6. to adjust [əˈdʒʌst]   She adjusted the figures in her report. , , .
7. beforehand [bɪˈfɔ:hænd] Prepare everything youll need beforehand. , , .
8. precisely [prɪˈsaɪslɪ]
9. a requirement [rɪˈkwaɪəmənt]
10. once [wʌns] Once you get there, youll love it. , , .
11. brief [bri:f]
12. introduction [ˌɪntrəˈdʌkʃən] ,
13. the body of smth [ˈbɔdɪ] He is not mentioned in the main body of the text. - .
14. a question and answer session
15. to memorise [ˈmeməraɪz] ,
16. to record [rɪ'kɔːd] ( )
17. to practice smth You should practice your French every day. -, .
18. properly [ˈprɔpəlɪ]
19. to feel confident I was well prepared and felt confident in my history exam. .
20. the rest of We spent the rest of the day watching TV. , .
21. notes [nəuts] ,
22. an essay ['eseɪ] ()
23. to select [sɪˈlekt]
24. the key points
25. to get imprinted on smth That sight got imprinted on my mind. - .
26. mind [maɪnd]
27. a version [ˈvə:ʃən]
28. to face the audience When making a speech dont forget to face the audience. , .
29. to train smb -,


1. What should you find out before preparing a presentation?

2. How should you adjust your language to the audience?

3. Why do you need to visit the room where youll be giving a presentation?

4. What parts does a presentation usually consist of?

5. What is the most important part of a presentation? Why?

6. What is the last stage of a presentation?

7. How can you make your opening really good?

8. Do you need to prepare any notes?

9. When can you start using your notes?

10. What do you need postcards for?

11. What should you remember while talking?

12. Which is more important what you say or how you say it?


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