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Terrorism from a peace psychology perspective // Understanding terrorism: Psychological roots, consequences and interventions / Eds. F. Moghaddam, A. Marsella. Wash.: American Psychological Association, 2004. P. 207 - 220. . 14 PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE IN ITS STRUGGLE FOR PEACE: TASKS AND LINES OF INVESTIGATIONS V. A. Kol'tsova*, T. A. Nestik**, V. A. Sosnin*** * Sc.D (psychology), deputy director of Psychological Institute ofRAS, Moscow ** PhD, research assistant, laboratory of social psychology, the someplace *** PhD, senior research assistant, laboratory of history of psychology and historical psychology, the same place A review of investigation lines in psychology contributed to ensuring of peaceful functioning and conflicts' resolving in the present-day society is presented in the article. XXI-st century's global challenges and terrorism, in the first place, as the main threat for peaceful socium stable existence are considered. Formation and coming-to-be of a new approach - peace psychology is emphasized. Key words: society stable functioning, social health, aggression, violence, conflicts, globalization, terrorism, peace psychology, peacemaking function of psychological science. . 15  



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