






VIII. Summing up. Saying goodbye. Lesson 21 Are you good at football?

Lesson 21
Are you good at football?

: , , ;
: : , , .
: ;
: ;
: , ( to be 2- . . , 3- . ), , .
: .
: to be 2- . . 3- . ( );
: football, tennis, swimming, skiing, skating, summer, winter, to be good at.
: , , .
: 2 .

I. Greeting. Warming up activities.

II. Going over homework.
AB ex. 1, 2, Lesson 20
T: (You know something about the Olympic Games, dont you?) - , ? (You know, that the five Olympic rings are of various colours.) , , , . (What colours are they?) ? (Open your Activity Books) , , . ?
Ch: ( ) Africa is black....
: (What mascots do you remember? ) ? What are their names? What is the name of the Moscow Olympic Games mascot? Is he an animal? What is he like?
Ch: ( no )

III. Summer and winter sports.
SB ex. 1

: . (swimming, skiing, skating), (football, tennis, sport), winter, summer ( ).

: (The Olympic Games can be held both in summer and in winter.) . (Look at the pictures.) . (Which sports do you see in the pictures?) ? (Read the captions and then say the names of the sports in Russian.) , -.
Ch: ( , -)
: (Now lets decide which sports are winter sports and which are summer sports.) , , . , . winter , , , , . . (What does the word sport mean?) sport?
Ch: .
T: Right. . sports . , summer , summer sports ... . . (So, which sports in the pictures are summer sports, and which are winter sports?) , ?
Ch: ( )

IV. Are they summer or winter mascots?
SB ex. 2. 1)

: to be 2- . . (2- ). , . . to be good at, - .

: (You know Izzy, the mascot. Is Izzy a summer or a winter mascot?) , , ? (Listen and read how Helen and Mike ask Izzy about it.) , .
Ch: ( )
: (Read Helens and Mikes questions.) , .
Ch: ( )
: , to be are , to be is. - are?
Ch: ( )
: Right. . , are , . , are, . Now read Izzys answers. ?
Ch: ( )
: Quite right. . ?
Ch: I am not good at skating. I am good at swimming. I am a summer mascot.
T: Good.
SB ex. 2. 2)
T: , ? -? , . (?) ?
: Izzy is....
Ch: Izzy is a summer mascot.
T: Right. Izzy is a summer mascot. Why? Izzy is not good at....
Ch: Izzy is not good at skating.
T: He is good at....
Ch: He is good at swimming.
T: Good! Well done!
SB ex. 3
T: Have a look at Roni. , , , . , .
Ch: ( )

: , . .

: . Im going to be Roni and Im going to answer your questions.
Ch: ( , )
: So, what can you say about Roni?
Roni is a.... He is not good at... and.... Roni is good at.... He is a... mascot.
Ch: ( )

: , , ; , , .

SB ex. 4

: to be 3- . (3- ).

: Have a look at Oily, Syd and Millie. What/Who are they? What continent are they from? What sports are they good at? Lets ask Izzy these and some other questions to learn about all these things. This time Im going to play the role of Izzy. , , , , you.
Ch: ( , )
: Well, what can you say about Oily, Syd and Millie?
Ch: ( , )

: .

V. Action time ( // ).

VI. What sports are you good at?
SB ex. 5 (AB ex. 1) Pair work .
T: - . , , , . : . (Ask each other questions about which sports and games you are good at.) , . (Lesson 21, ex. 1; Lesson 19, ex. 1) games sports. (Now open the Activity Books at ex. 1 and write down the name of your partner under the heading names .) (. 1) names. , . (For example) , Misha ( ) : Misha, are you good at playing sports? : Yes, I am. Im good at football.. .

: , , , , . .

: , , , , .
Ch: ( )

: , : Is Misha really good at swimming? Are you both good at tennis?

SB ex. 6 All about me . Sports and games I like .
T: . Open your Activity Books on page 105, Sports and games I like .
Ch: ( , )

VII. Whats the title of the lesson? Why?

VIII. Setting homework.
SB ex. 7 (AB ex. 2)
T: , (the mascots have got beautiful names). (At home) . , . (Lets read two sentences as an example.) .
Ch: ( )
: (Which of two sentences is correct?) ? . ? Right. (The first one.) . (Why?) ? - is, , he. , , . , . , .
SB ex. 8 All about me . My favourite mascot .
T: , , . , . ? (Draw any fairy-tale or any cartoon character.) , . (It can be an animal or a bird.) . .


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