

Comparative and superlative adjectives

1. clean 2. Easy 3. Good 4. Dirty 5. Fat 6. Beautiful 7. Sad 8. Flat 9. Active 10. Comfortable 11. Hot 12. Happy 13. Wet 14. Narrow 15. Big 16. Busy 17. Noisy 18. Dirty 9. Thin 20. Little 21. Bad 22. few 23. Much 24. Many 25. Rich

Was / were

96.Complete the sentences with was / were

1. How many people __________ at your house last weekend?

2. The book wasn´t difficult It __________ easy.

3. Those __________ my best jeans.

4. Dinosaurs __________ prehistoric animals.

5. __________ your friends at school yesterday?

6. Sandra __________ not at school yesterday.

7. You __________ nasty to me!

8. __________ your grandparents designers.

9. John and I __________ in the garden.

10. __________ your parents in the restaurant? Yes, they __________.

11. My grandmother __________ a nurse. She wasn´t a doctor.

12. I __________ thin when I was 6 years old.

13. When I __________ younger, I played with teddy bears.

14. We __________ away on vacation last month.

15. __________ you at the cinema last night?

16. Ten years ago, I __________ a baby.

17. __________ the exam difficult?

18. The film __________ (not) exciting. It was boring.

19. __________ there many people at the party?

20. __________ the girls in the park? No, they __________.

21. Her name wasn´t Kate. It __________ Isabel.

22. Paco wasn´t happy. He __________ sad.

23. __________ the boys at the football game? Yes, they __________.

24. The books __________ (not) on the shelf. They were in the bookcase.

25. __________ Tom at a concert? Yes, he __________.

97.Complete the sentences with was / were

1. It wasn´t my dad´s birthday on Sunday, it __________ on Saturday.

2. The exercises weren´t easy, they __________ difficult.

3. My grandfather wasn´t a writer, he __________ a composer.

4. My cousins weren´t at the park, they __________ at the cinema.

5. Last night I wasn´t at home, I __________ at a party.

6. __________ the weather good yesterday?

7. What __________ your first class this morning?

8. __________ her sister at the party.

9. Who __________ his favourite film star?

10. Where __________ you last night?

11. __________ they interested in rap music?

12. Where __________ you yesterday?

13. I __________ (not) at home last night.

14. __________ your teacher at school? No, she __________.

15. Why __________ (not) Marta at school?

16. We __________ (not) at a party last week.

17. __________ you at a concert last night?

18. The students __________ in London last summer.

19. __________ it sunny yesterday?

20. __________ Meg at the library? No, she __________.

21. The Beatles__________ a pop group.

22. __________ your teacher ill yesterday?

23. We __________ at a party last week.

24. My mum __________ (not) at work yesterday.

25. __________ you cold last night?

98.Complete the sentences with was / were

1. It __________ six o´clock when we got home.

2. __________ you still in bed when I phoned?

3. Edison __________ a famous inventor.

4. The weather __________ fine this morning.

5. He __________ sick yesterday.

6. Beethoven __________ a German composer.

7. There __________ a lot of people at our party yesterday.

8. Don´t blame him. It __________ my mistake.

9. He __________ not well yesterday.

10. __________ you at the party yesterday?

11. Sam __________ second in the race, __________ she?

12. Jack __________ (not) in London.

13. We __________ on the same school team.

14. Betty __________ (not) at the cinema.

15. We __________ the champions last year.

16. Victoria __________ (not) in the UK.

17. Mom and Dad __________ on vacation last week.

18. Sally and Mark __________ (not) at home.

19. There __________ a small lake here many years ago.

20. There __________ any clouds in the sky.

21. My friend __________ ill yesterday.

22. They __________ third in the race.

23. Mom __________ angry when she saw the broken vase.

24. The Romans __________ brave soldiers.

25. It __________ very wet on Monday.

99.Complete the sentences with was / were

1. Picasso __________ a great artist.

2. She __________ (not) at home, she was at school.

3. __________ you at the park? Yes, I __________.

4. Bill Gates __________ a student at Harvard University.

5. I __________ in bed at 9 o´clock this morning.

6. The math questions __________ (not) easy, they were difficult.

7. She __________ reading in bed at 11 o´clock last night.

8. The room __________ (not) big, it was small.

9. __________ it sunny yesterday?

10. Einstein __________ a great mathematician.

11. __________ English you favourite subject last year?

12. It __________ (not) cold, it was hot.

13. I __________ with my friends in the park.

14. The English exam __________ (not) difficult, it was OK.

15. Alexander __________ in a cinema in Oxford.

16. __________ it a good film?

17. Lamberto __________ with his family in Norway.

18. __________ they at home? No they __________.

19. __________ your friends in Málaga? Yes, they __________.

20. __________ you a good student last year? Yes, I __________.

21. Silvia and her sister __________ at the zoo.

22. John and Teresa __________ on holiday in France.

23. __________ your sister at home? Yes, she __________.

24. __________ famous people always good at school? No, they __________.

25. __________ Antonio Banderas in Málaga last summer?


100. Перетвори подані речення з теперішнього неозначеного часу (Present Simple)

На минулий неозначений час (Past Simple), використовуючи обставини часу з


1. There is a big angry dog at the door. (yesterday)

2. There are two lion cubs in the zoo now. (last year)

3. In spring and summer there are a lot of flowers in the park. (last summer)

4. There are lots of noisy little birds in these trees. (last sum­mer)

5. There are a lot of interesting computer discs in my elder brother’s room. (not long ago)

6. There are a lot of universities in our city nowadays. (be­fore)

7. There are a lot of good marks in Max's day book. (last se­mester)

8. There is too much water in the streets. (last spring)

9. There is a great programme on TV tonight. (last night)

10. There are a lot of seeds and nuts in the parrot's cage. (yes­terday)

101. Перетвори речения зі стверджувальних на заперечні

1. There was a lock on the door.

2. There were two letters for you today.

3. There were a lot of tickets for the concert yesterday.

4. There was a phone call for you in the morning.

5. There was too much snow in the streets last winter.

6. There were good disco clubs in this town.

7. There was a very strange man at your door last night.

8. There were American students in our school last year.

9. There were a lot of places to see in this town.

102. Ознайомся з прикладами та дай короткі відповіді на запитання.

Was there a phone call for me?

Yes, there was. (No, there wasn't.)

Were there many phone calls for me? Yes, there were, (No, there weren't.)

1. Were there many parents at the last school meeting?

2. Were there many guests at your birthday party?

3. Were there many interesting programmes about sports on TV last weekend?

4. Were there many icicles on the roof of your house last spring?

5. Was there enough time to see all the interesting places?

6. Was there much snow in the streets last winter?

7. Was there much ice on the roads last winter?

8. Was there much water in the streets last spring?

9. Were there many apples in the orchards last year?

103. Дай відповіді на запитання, використовуючи числівники з дужок.

1. How many pupils were there at the picnic? (twenty-two)

2. How many guests were there at Max's birthday party? (fifteen)

3. How many wolf-cubs were there in the children's zoo? (four)

4. How many angry dogs were there in the yard? (two)

5. How many pigs were there in that famous fairy-tale? (three)

6. How many ill pupils were there in your class? (one)

104. Розташуй слова в дужках так, щоб скласти питальні речення і короткі відповіді

1. mistakes/how many/there/in your/dictation/English/were/?/ only/was/one/there/.

2. how many/were/tigers/in this cage/there/last year/?/ there/two/were/.

3. schoolchildren/were/in the computer club/how many/ there/?/were/there/eleven/.

4. cats/in the tree/how many/there/were/?/there/one/was/.

5. the re/books/how many/in your bag/were/?/there/were/ seven/,

6. interesting compositions/how many/there/were/in your class/? /were/there/ten/.

Past simple: regular and irregular verbs

105. Complete the sentences Ex: I didn´t watch TV last night.

1. On Saturday I ____________ (play) computer games with my cousins.

2. My mum ____________ (not cook) dinner last night.

3. I ____________ (walk) to school because there weren´t any buses.

4. They ____________ (not dance) at the party.

5. My brother ____________ (travel) to Ireland last summer.

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