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, .. , . .. , , . ³ .. free.

. hope to destroy, , , .. (touch turns Hope to dust, ashes of our hopes, breaks their hopes, cutting short their hope) / , (hope upon a death-bed, buried his hopes, to kill all hope), . (my hopes have flown, his [Hope] pinions were bent, on its [hope] wings was dark alloy, if hope has flown away).

.. to betray, - (suspicion / knowledge / unbelief / thought / hope / expectation / apprehension / ambition / surprise / curiosity / interest / consciousness), , conscience, .

. .. 2-4 , , . hope (starry Hope; beaming with Hope; my Future radiant shine with hopes; you call it hope that fire of fire), .. mind, intelligence, sense (bright intelligence; mind is bright; lightning of the mind; years steal fire from the mind; mind fiery particle; mind glows; a gleam of sense).

, . , .

, , , , . .


- Ⳕ .. (prejudices could conquer, to defend notion, fortified by the experience, to defeat hopes / plans / intentions, captivate fancy, weapon of common sense), . (defence to her opinions, let my folly protect my roguery, fortify her mind) .. (intellectual war, war with hopes, Thought foes, thoughts jostle in their fight);

- ' / .. (twinkling cunning, ignis fatuus of the imagination, cloud of thought, deluge of opinion, intellectual / mental mist, to snuff up knowledge), , ;

- / / . , ² (our thoughts were palsied, the mind suffers paralysis, morbid attention, diseased intelligence, delirious fancies, madness of thought, a mind disposed to lunacy) (funereal mind, my fancy grew charnel, entombed hopes, deep- buried faith, the resurrection of faith, reviving hope);

- → ( ) → ( ), .. : knowledge at the price of death, dear- bought knowledge, gratify with knowledge, quest for knowledge, thirst for knowledge.

, , , , . . to pay attention, . to arrest / rivet attention, .. to attract / draw attention; . , to pay / attract / draw attention, . to give / rivet attention.

, , , , , , .


, :

: stars faded '; agitated mind ;

, ( ): old wisdom ; a crowd of recollections ( → ); ease of mind (Բ Ҳ, → ); hopes were withered 䳿 (, → , );

( ): never entered into your mind (, / → Բ Ҳ, );

: the burning thoughts , ;

: parade of his intentions ; caught the drift of meaning ;

: with smiling decision ; nonsense will pass between us .

, , , .

, , , (≈ 30 %), (≈ 18 %), (≈ 18 %), (≈ 14 %).


', , 5055 %. 糿 . (. ˳, . , . ) .. (. , . ), (5027 %), / , , (2510 %).

, , , . ' - , ' , :

- , : sruck with a sudden recollection ( / , ; ); my mind was too much occupied ( , );

- / ( ) , : idea is fresh ( ).

' , :

fire was dying (H.W. Longfellow, "The Song of Hiawatha") (. . ), (. . ), (. . ), ' (. . ), - (. );

full of twilight (G.G. Byron, "Cain") (. . ), (. . ), (. . );

expectation was excited (W. Scott, "Ivanhoe") ... (. . ˳ . ), (. . ), (. . );

soothe the prejudices (W. Scott, "Ivanhoe") (. . ), (. . ˳ . ), (. . );

courageous mind (W. Scott, "Ivanhoe") (. . ), (. . ˳ . ), (. . ).

, ( . . ˳, / . , / . ).

, (, / .; , , .. ) .

- (hope, curiosity, attention), , - .

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- 䳿 , , . , , , 糿 . hope → () ², Ͳ IJ. hope → ' ( ) , - 糿 . IJ, Dz, .

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1. , 䳿 - . .

2. , , . .

3. - , .

4. 㳿 :

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5. , , , .

6. :

- ( - );

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- ( ' , , ).

7. (-, , - / ). .

8. , , , , . . , , .


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.. Ms Found in a Bottle // . : . . . 8. , , 2004. . 225-229.

.. // . : . , , . 9. , , 2005. . 376-378.

.. 糿 .. // ˳. : -, 2006. 1. . 212-217.

// . : . , , . 10. . , , 2006. . 173-176.

.. ³ // ³ . .. . : - . 741. : , 2006. . 194-197.

.. ³ ϳ .. // ³ . : Գ . 11 '2006. . : , 2006. . 145-150.

.. : // . 2007. 3. . 18-21.

.. // ˳. : -, 2007. 1. . 69-73.

.. // ³ . .. . : - . 742. : , 2006. . 44-46.

.. // . : . , , . 11. . , , 2007. . 219-222.


.. // V - (29-31 2006 .). . 2. .: , 2006. . 125-126.

.. // ̳ ˳ : (25-26 2006 .). : -, 2007. . 28-31.

.. // VI ̳ : . . (1 2007 .). : , 2007. . 179-181.

.. // V (19-20 2007 .). : , 2007. . 73-74.

// : . : ³-. 2005. 2. . 249-252.

.. ( .. "The Raven". : . .1. ˳. . . : , 2007. . 262-263.


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10.02.16 . . , 2007.


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10.02.16 . . , 2007.


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Kryvonos I.V. Methodology of Rendering the Original Metaphorical Conceptual Space (as Based on the Ukrainian Translations of English and American Romanticist Writings). Manuscript.

Thesis for Candidate degree in philology in speciality 10.02. 16 Translation Studies. National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv. Kyiv, 2007.

The thesis works out the methodological grounds for rendering the original metaphorical conceptual space on the basis of conceptual analysis and the category of conceptual equivalence.

The research of distinctive features of author's conceptual space and practical ways of reproducing these essential features in the target text is based on the metaphorical conceptual space "Human Intellectual Sphere" in writings of English and American Romanticists (G.G. Byron, J. Austen, W. Scott, E.A. Poe, H.W. Longfellow, J.F. Cooper) and their Ukrainian translations. The ways of translating metaphor are considered in terms of rendering its conceptual structure in the target text.

The metaphorical system of a literary text is considered as a hierarchically structured conceptual space. Its lower level is represented by micro-images, such as metaphors and verbalized concepts. The macro-level includes more abstract text concepts shaped by conceptual metaphors representing author's implicit intention. The connotations and associations implicated in verbal and conceptual structure of metaphors form the basis of cognitive and emotional aesthetic potential of a literary text.

The thesis focuses on rendering the cognitive potential of metaphor defined as expansion of associative links and categorization of acquired knowledge that correlate the recipient's conceptual world model in accordance with the cognitive map of a literary text.

The conventional metaphorical space "Human Intellectual Sphere" in English and Ukrainian languages has been researched. The basic schemes of conceptual metaphorization are proved to be very similar in both languages, displaying the common principles of human cognitive system.

The ways of translating metaphor are classified in terms of rendering the conceptual structure of the original metaphor in the target text. The source domain, the target domain and the ground of conceptual metaphor are defined as concrete parameters for determining the equivalence of rendering the original metaphorical image. Within this classification the categories of complete and partial image substitution have been specified.

The quantitative analysis shows that a considerable part of metaphors are omitted or demetaphorized in translation. The most frequent transformation of metaphorical conceptual structure is substitution of the ground and the source domain.

The comparative analysis of parallel Ukrainian translations of the same text demonstrates that transformations of the author's metaphorical conceptual space in translation depend considerably on the translator's individual method and interpretative approach, as different translations show different levels of preserving the original metaphorical conceptual space, and different translators tend to particular ways of rendering the original metaphors. However, certain similar trends in rendering the metaphorical conceptual space of the same author by different translators also prove the dependence of the interpretative approach on the peculiarities of the author's metaphorical style.

The distinctive features of author's metaphorical conceptual space characterize the author as cognitive and speech personality. Conceptual analysis is regarded as methodological basis for revealing these essential features of the original metaphors and rendering them in the target text to represent the peculiarities of author's associative thinking and world view that are aimed at interacting with the recipient's conceptual sphere and form the cognitive potential of a literary text.

A methodology of rendering the original metaphorical conceptual space has been worked out as a phased semantic and cognitive analysis of metaphors and forms of their verbal representation aimed at defining the functional dominants correlating with text macroconcepts.

The main principles of the suggested methodological grounds are:

- variability of interpretative approach and, correspondingly, the variety of criteria for defining translation adequacy;

- adaptability of translation strategies depending on the dominant of translator's purpose;

- complexity of rendering the original metaphorical space (analyzing different types of information, defining functional metaphoric dominants and selecting an appropriate verbal form on the basis of complex semantic and cognitive analysis);

- systematism and hierarchism of rendering the original metaphorical space.

Within the cognitive approach to translation the methodology of interpreting metaphor is based on conceptual analysis. Conceptual analysis may be implemented into Translation Studies for describing cognitive, emotive and aesthetic potential of metaphor, equivalent translating complex metaphorical images and defining functional metaphorical dominants of the original.

The notion of translation equivalence has been supplemented with the category of conceptual equivalence. Conceptual equivalence of rendering metaphors is determined by comparing the conceptual organization and cognitive potential of metaphors in the original and translation. The conceptual structure of metaphor is considered as a practical parameter for determining the conceptual equivalence of its translation.

The adequacy of translation is reconsidered on the basis of multiple interpretation theory and specified as equivalence of the original and translation on the level of dominant of translator's purpose and the related information (subjective logical, conceptual, emotional /aesthetic). Conceptual equivalency is regarded as the main criterion of adequate rendering metaphors within cognitive approach to translation.

Key words: metaphor, concept, conceptual space, conceptual analysis, equivalence, adequacy, transformation.



896 16.04.2002 .


ϳ. 06.02.2008 . 6090/16. .

. . . . 1,16. .-. . 0,9. 100 . . 08-0044.


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