







, . . , , . , , , .

, , , . . . , , , .

. - . ., The Free Dictionary [http://www.thefreedictionary.com/]. , .

3.1 .

- +-ize. , ize , - . , , , , , , . : Polonize ; Orientalize ; Easternize - ; Americanize , , Russianize , , Anglicize ; Europeanize , , Balkanize , Londonize , .

, : , . : Islamicize - , Judaize - , , Romanize - , Heathenize - .

, . . , Anglicize , , . : Scotticize , Romanize , .

barbarize. Barbarian . . barbarize . - , , . .

, : Europeanize - ; Gothicize .

. +-fy. , -fy , . , , , , , , , : Russify - , Anglify -, Frenchify - , nigrify . . Negro, , , , , . , , , .


3.2 .

, - . . ize/-fy + -ation , . ize/-fy , ation, , . , Americanize, , Americanization , , ; Russify () Russification (); Anglify - Anglification () . . , , , ( ), .

+ -ism. ism : , , ; , ; - . , , , , , . : Semitism - , Scotticism , Anglicism , Germanism , Indianism , , . .

, ism, . , , Londonism ; Japonism ; gothicism ( ) , ; Gothicism ( ) - .

+ -ist. , , - . , , . : Romanist - , ; Arabist - , , ; Anglist = Anglicist - , ; Orientalist - , ; Occidentalist - , , ; Americanist - , , ; Indianist .

, , , . : Hellenist , , -; Vaticanist ;

, , . - + -ese. , ese , . , , Gabonese (, ) (). , . ese : , , , , , .

, , : Americanese - , , ; Afro-Americanese - ; Londonese - , ; Cockneyese - , ; Pekingese - ; Andamanese ; Hokkianese , . , , : Lebanese , ; Andamanese = Andaman ; Beninese = Beninois ; Gabonese - ; Nepalese - ; Javanese - ; Sudanese - ; Veronese - ; Siamese - ; Portuguese - ; Maltese - ; Angolese ; Vietnamese - ; Bengalese - ; Pekingese .

Francese, . Francese . , France ese, .

+ -ry. -ry , , , , . . , , : Danishry - , ; Jewry - , ; Irishry ; Englishry ;

, , : Jewry , ; Englishry ; Barbary , ; , : Irishry - ;

, . , , He had a sort of Englishry in his character. Englishry . There are many things you and I are simply not in a position to understand concerning, say, the nature of Jewry. Jewry .

+ -ia. , , . ia , , . , . , , Orientalia , Barbaralia , Slavophilia .

, . : + -mania , , (Anglomania, Italomania, Americamania, Chinamania, Francomania, Germanomania, Gallomania, Russomania); + -phobia/-phobe , , (Negrophobia/Negrophobe, Anglophobia /Anglophobe, Slavophobia/ Slavophobe, Islamophobia/Islamophobe, Jewphobia=Judeophobia /Jewphobe, Russophobia /Russophobe, Hispanophobia/ Hispanophobe, Europhobia /Europhobe); + -phil(e) , (Anglophil(e), Negrophil(e), Americanophil(e), Slavophil, Francophile). , , : , .


3.3 .

. + -ic. ic -, - . , , . , Scotic - ; Amerindic - , ; Negritic - , ; Belgic - ; Incaic - , Indic , - , Atayalic ( ), ; Alemanic , ( ).

+ -ish. ish , . : , . , , Gipsyish ; Greekish - , ; Babylonish - , . - , , .

-esque + -esque . , . , , : ish , esque , . Normanesque, Romanesque, Japanesque, Barbaresque , , , .

3.4 .

, , . , . + -ly. , . , -, -. : Greekishly - , Orientally - -, , Americanly - -, , Jewishly - -, Romishly - - .


. . . - . : , 2000. . 2427.

[2]. . . . (--: , 1995)

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. // . ., 1961, 2


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http://psibook.com/linguistics/amerindskie-zaimstvovannye-etnonimy-v-amerikan-skom-variante-angliyskogo-yazyka.html BORROWED AMERINDIAN ETHNONYMS IN AMERICAN ENGLISH


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