






Engineering as a profession


: Engineering as a profession

1. :

d i verse, des i gn, dev i ce, f i bre, desp i te, d i versity, div i de, h igh, anal y se, optim i zing, amplif y ing, b i nary, t i ming, t i ny, t y pe, k i nd, h y draulics, thermod y namics, bl i nd

applic a tion, st a te, l a ser, r a dar, d a ta, st a tion, oper a tion, en a ble, integr a tion, gener a te, indic a tion, unab a ted, demodul a ting, telecommunic a tion, cre a ting, autom a ted, rel a ted, cre a tion, sophistic a ted, tr a ined, alter a tion, s a fety, oper a tor

e lectr i cal, e lectron i c, d e velopment, circ ui t, s y stem, ab i l i ty, d i str i bution, s i gn i f i cant, spec i f i c, d i g i tal, s i l i con, l i thograph y, d i mensional, m i l i tary, per i pheral, b u ild, i nd i v i dual, e l i m i nate

s u bject, am o ng, supercond u ctor, introd u ction, u nprecedented, rec o ver, ind u ctor, b u lky, o ther, u ltraclean, c u rrent, str u cture, p u mp, bec o me, c o ver, cut o ff

cir c uit, roboti c s, specifi c, syn ch ronization, va c uum, pa ck age, in c reasing, me ch anical, me ch anism, me ch anics, a c cidental, a c cident, te ch nology

con c ern, c ircuit, sin c e, redu c ing, c entral, efficien c y, frequen c y, pro c essing, re c eive, unpre c edented, spe c ific, capa c itor, s c ien c e, pro c essor, c ertain, ac c ident, pro c edure

en g ineering, lar g est, sub j ect, ima g ing, g enerating, volta g e, g eneration, ad j usting, di g ital, passen g er, intelli g ent, intelli g ence, lan g ua g e, g enerally, en g ine, ener g y, metallur g y, proce du re, su gg esting, dan g erous

ma ch inery, propor ti onately, effi ci ency, effi ci ently, mi ss ion, ch assis, ma ch ine, spe ci ality


2. , :

design [ ], variable [ ], frequency [ ], explosive [ ], chassis [ ], semiconductive [ ], lithography [ ], micro-manipulator [ ], ion-beam [ ], exotic [ ], peripheral [ ], artificial [ ], sophisticated [ ], micro-miniaturization [ ], variety [ ], pneumatics [ ], typical [ ], agricultural [ ], hazardous [ ].


3. :

engineering - ; ;

electrical engineering -

electronics engineering -

diverse - , ; ,

circuit - ,

superconductor -

robotics -

consumer -

fibre -

direct current -

alternating current -

mode -

transmission -

device - , ; , ,

amplify -

error - ; ,

prior to - , ,

capacitor -

vacuum tube -

wire -

silicon -

environment - ,

memory -

artificial intelligence - ()

sophisticated -

current - ,

safety -

prevention of accidents -

alteration - ;

accident - ;

accidental - ,

cutoff -

eliminate - ,

hazard - ,


4. :

1) electrical engineering 2) field of engineering 3) electric power 4) circuit 5) high voltage 6) direct current 7) alternating current 8) in operation 9) unabated 10) specific tasks 11) binary number 12) resistor 13) inductor 14) artificial intelligence 15) rate of growth 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) , 7) 8) , 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) , 14) 15)


5. :

field of engineering, is concerned with, electric power, since the late 1970s, high voltage, power losses, deals with, binary numbers, prior to the 1960s, a bulky package, semiconductive material, fire-control systems, steam turbine, the prevention of accidents, hazardous occupations, within reach.


6. :

electrical and electronics engineering, signal, machinery, control system, medical imaging system, laser, radar, fibre optics, communications, computer, extremely proportionately, analyse, central station, electronically, unprecedented, radio signals, information, synchronization, telecommunications, inductor, chassis, electronics revolution, semiconductive material, advanced technology, electron -beam lithography, micro-manipulator, integrated, circuit, lift, exotic, course, extensively, automated manufacturing, peripheral devices, machine language, microminiaturization, circuit elements, computer operations, parallel processors, structure, mechanism, hydraulics, pneumatics, mechanics, thermodynamics, metallurgy, mechanical engineer, product, economy, efficiency, speciality, individual, methods and procedures, accidental contact, operator.


7. , , :

electric electrical electrician electricity; electron electronic electronics; machine machinery; diverse diversity; operate operation operator; extreme extremely; proportion proportionate proportionately; transmit transmitter transmission; efficient efficiently efficiency; able enable ability; inform informer information; generate generation generative generator; resist resistance resistant resistless; engine engineer engineering; metallurgy metallurgist metallurgical; prevent prevention preventive; hazard hazardous; alter alteration; possible impossible possibility impossibility; accident accidental.


8. :

) tion; -ssion; -sion:

application, communication, operation, generation, transmission, distribution, station, introduction, integration, information, indication, synchronization, television, telecommunications, revolution, implantation, creation, microminiaturization, prevention, alteration.

) :

generating, transmitting, distributing, using, optimizing, amplifying, adding, demodulating, manufacturing, creating, switching, keeping, increasing, heating, ventilating, designing, suggesting.

9. , engineering:

1. Electrical and electronics engineering is the largest and most diverse field of engineering. 2. Despite its diversity, electrical engineering can be divided into four main branches: electric power and machinery, electronics, communications and control, and computers. 3. Electronic engineering deals with the research, design, integration, and application of circuits and devices used in the transmission and processing of information. 4. Computer engineering is now the most rapidly growing field. 5. The field of computer science is closely related to computer engineering.
6. One current trend in computer engineering is microminiaturization. 7. A typical example of modern mechanical engineering is the design of a car or an agricultural machine. 8. In recent years safety engineering has become a speciality adopted by individuals trained in other branches of engineering.


10. :


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